vineri, 4 decembrie 2009

The Godfather, Parts I and II

"I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse."

"Brando's only major fault as an actor was that he would not or could not learn his lines, and had to read them from hidden cue cards"

Cand ma gandesc la filmele astea,ma trec fiorii.Pentru mine,sunt printre cele mai bune filme ale tuturor timpurilor.Absolut genial Francis Ford Coppola.Cu Marlon Brando si Al Pacino.Fantastic.
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Un comentariu:

  1. The Godfather is the I-ching. The Godfather is the sum of all wisdom. The Godfather is the answer to any question. What should I pack for my summer vacation? "Leave the gun, take the cannoli." What day of the week is it? "Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Wednesday."

    e a fost ceva care sa nu mi placa la filmul asta
